пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

fats oils waxes

Lets see..

I have a cold. Blah. Not the normal cold tho, I think this is some kind of allergy induced hell. I have given up smoking permanently, so maybe that is part of it. G struck a deal with me.. If I give up smoking, permanently, he will give up chocolate chip cookies... Permanently. Which.. The trade off is even steven really. I agreed.. Before I realized it really.. And since that day have not smoked. Wanted to.. Really badly.. But havent. So, part of the cold might be my body getting all of the ick out of my lungs.

G is back in WV and PA right now. Sigh and double sigh. We did get to spend a wonderful week together however. The highlights were him coming home and bringing me all the awesome goodies he got for me in his travels. A barrette that actually holds my hair .. All of it. It is so pretty.. Made of 4 different types of wood. An awesome Mohair scarf.. The color goes wonderfully with my hair and it has some kind of a funky weave. I will have to show it to the SIL to see what she knows about the weave. Some delicious honey, two jams and two GORGEOUS mugs. One of which is coveted earthen ware. I ADORE it.. Such an awesome glaze on it and a neat handle to boot. Yay me The next day we picked up baby from school.. She was happy to see him. Threw her book bag at me and ran down the hall at school and did one of her leap/head butts. I, of course, then became chopped liver for the rest of the evening : / We headed to the house and finished up a delicious pot roast and roasted veggies and ate our dinner on the patio under the moon. It was an awesome night. However, I woke the next morning feeling like dawn of the dead. G took baby with him to his kids games that day so I could sleep. So I had long rest in big tub with good book. I almost felt human afterwards. We headed out for a bit then came home and started getting ready for the Opera. Dropped baby off at the Cairechs house for a evening of sleep over goodness. G surprised me with dinner at The Yellow Porch, which is magnificent.. I highly recommend it. After that it was time for Don Giovanni Which.. He fell asleep 3 times hahahaha. I think he enjoyed it, he was very tired. I had a most excellent time.. Until the 2nd act. And then The Allergy Furies descended on me with a powerful hatred. Thank the Gods I had on a long black shawl/veil that night. I sneezed about 20 times, my eyes watered so much I ended up rubbing off all my eye make up but.. I was in heaven. During the intermission we had glasses of champagne and we talked about the water feature at TPAC. It is very lovely.. We have decided to put a water feature in at the house.. Not nearly as big, but one that I can sit and dangle my feet in on a hot summer day. Speaking of.. We are putting in 5 raised beds this winter I am so excited But back to Don Giovanni. It was an awesome production, very avant garde .. Funny at moments and chilling at others. The next Opera is the Student Prince. We are still discussing about if we want to go or not. He is more of the Symphony type.. I am the Opera type.. Soo.. We shall see. However..Great Tuna is playing Oct the 24th in Spring Hill.. YAY I am trying to get tickets for baby and I to go see it. She must see Dee Dee Snively

Other than that.. We are looking at hard wood flooring for the house and paint for the walls as well as the outside of the house. Sigh. So much to do. But.. I look forward to it. He found an Indian Rose Wood counter top that I melted over. I am crossing my fingers on that one.

Baby is doing very well. She tests for her yellow belt on the 24th. I am excited School is going awesomely .. They are on Fall Break right now. Tonight Master Koh decided that for Fall Break they would have a fun day.. So they played dodge ball. I thought the kids were going to shriek the building down. Before the dodgeball explosion he had the kids stand in front of the class and each sing a song, but it was voluntary only. He explained afterwards that it took confidence to do it.. The kids seemed to get it then. I am very happy with our decision to put her in Hakido. She has really taken to it and has loved learning more about the Korean culture. A trip to Mana is now super duper.

So.. That is my catch up.

now to bed.. If I dont hack up a lung first :)
fats oils waxes, fats oils sweets, fats oils grease, fats oils and sweets.

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