воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Colin Powell just endorsed Barack Obama on Meet The Press this morning. Among the reaons he gave for his choice was that he was put off by the negative tone of the McCain campaign -- and part of that included his displeasure that the Republicans had tried to start a whisper attack about Obama being secretly Muslim.

Powell responded to that by saying what everyone else has said -- that no, Barack Obama is Christian and has always been. But then Colin Powell took the step of finally saying what everyone else should have been saying all along -- "but even if he were Muslim, what difference would that make?"

Thank God someone finally spoke out against the notion that being Muslim was somehow a bad thing. Itapos;s not. Those who think that a Muslim would somehow be more beholden to Mecca than the United States need only look at John F. Kennedy -- people were leery of electing him in 1960 because they feared that, just because he was Catholic, that weapos;d be turned into a Papal State. Well, that completely failed to happen.

There. Someone finally went on record with that. Thank you, Colin Powell.

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