вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.


So, Iapos;ve decided to get educated about my various mental health problems. Started attending BiPolar support groups on Mondays. Itapos;s pretty cool 2/month are education and 2/month are just support/discussion. Itapos;s cool talking to and listening to people that you know can relate to the crap thatapos;s in your head. I have a good book to read, but blah, it can sure be dry, and Sookie Stackhouse is So much more interesting.

I also have Seasonal Affective Disorder, which when combined with bipolar makes the winter months a real treat. I hate winter, i hate rainy days. I just want warm and sunshine all day, every day. Thatapos;s not too much to ask is it?

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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30 days ago 24 entries back marked the start of what might have been the best break from school ever, I canapos;t believe itapos;s all coming to an end so quickly): Iapos;m gonna go all emo in this post cause I really had a blast I wish I had more time. Of course, there were those who wanted to ruin it all for me, then thereapos;s those who just made my hols.
From exploring random quaint little places to getting lost, to making new friends catching up with old ones, to shopping sprees indoors out, these Iapos;ll never forget. Shoutouts in random order:] (I usually donapos;t do shoutouts, cause Iapos;m so likely to miss someone out, but whatever)

Exploring buddy I had the best time checking fleas new places out with you, walking all over Singapore just for kicks, it was great fun:] thankyou for letting me disturb you during your sleepytime camwhoring with your wall clothes stuff, heh.

Itapos;s a pity we didnapos;t get to go exploring together, but we will one day Going for fleas were fun Visiting you at work was, uhm, interesting, camwhoring all:] We all have different timetables now but weapos;re still meeting up for soup spoon yoguru no matter what.

I didnapos;t meet you at all): But thank god for you cause I would have died without lookbook, heh. Canapos;t wait to see your new macbook cover:D

Kellyn B-I-M-B-O I canapos;t believe you came back secretly. I thought you were lying when you said you were in Singapore, haha. Then there was our plan to trick the others which failed so miserably cause Thongs didnapos;t even pick up the phone. But you still got her in the end, hahah. Watching Mamma Mia with you was awesome, the stupid idea for our ice cream eating competition after, which was so funny. Miss you bimbo, canapos;t wait for Christmas:]

Caroline Nurul

The both of you are still as retarded as ever, dissing Kellyn as usual, haha. I had a blast turning you two into paranjothy clones at subway, heh.

Jamie Jam Jam:D haha see I did it right this time. We had such a short catch up session, short but productive Dishing out the dirt on a certain SOMEONE her scandals, hurhur.

Bermuda just got bigger hahah Goldilocks I only got to see you once, youapos;re such a busy person itapos;s so difficult to get hold of you.

Cheryltaaaaan, Zoepoe Thongsiepoo, itapos;s so rare that all of us get to meet up, Iapos;m glad we did. It felt like nothing ever changed. With Thongs Zoe still bickering on about pyramid fingers height (more like the lack of it :O).

Shopping/ Skype/ Hills/ California buddy Iapos;ve never really said this, but weapos;ve got so much in common, itapos;s scary. Haha, really, just think about it. This hols would not have been the same without you.

(My shoutouts were getting shorter shorter, Iapos;m sleeeeeepy)
Thatapos;s about it, I hope no oneapos;s missing Yall made my holiday oh-so special, you guys are 12 different kinds of awesomness:] Love yall, to infinity back<3

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Colin Powell just endorsed Barack Obama on Meet The Press this morning. Among the reaons he gave for his choice was that he was put off by the negative tone of the McCain campaign -- and part of that included his displeasure that the Republicans had tried to start a whisper attack about Obama being secretly Muslim.

Powell responded to that by saying what everyone else has said -- that no, Barack Obama is Christian and has always been. But then Colin Powell took the step of finally saying what everyone else should have been saying all along -- "but even if he were Muslim, what difference would that make?"

Thank God someone finally spoke out against the notion that being Muslim was somehow a bad thing. Itapos;s not. Those who think that a Muslim would somehow be more beholden to Mecca than the United States need only look at John F. Kennedy -- people were leery of electing him in 1960 because they feared that, just because he was Catholic, that weapos;d be turned into a Papal State. Well, that completely failed to happen.

There. Someone finally went on record with that. Thank you, Colin Powell.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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When I have children, I plan on being open and honest about everything. (age appropriate, of course.) I knew what a period was at age 4. My kids will be comfortable speaking with myself or Aaron about anything. I will not shelter them. I wonapos;t let them run wild and free, but I will let them get their hands dirty. There are way too many parents out there who canapos;t find a happy medium. You canapos;t stifle your childapos;s independence and creativity, but you also canapos;t let them raise themselves. They need guidance, but they need to make their own decisions. Talk to them young. Establish the bond and line of communication early. Make sure they understand that there are consequences to their actions. And most importantly, make them communicate in full words and sentences and not text speak. My child will not be illiterate because of technology.

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Just-wow. Iapos;ve had so much time. I let so much pile on me at the last minute. My own fault, of course just kinda pissed about that.

I let Jennifer talk me into the mall...which= NO cash >_> Dad wouldnapos;t prepay me now the package is further riding my back...ugh. Pisses me off I swear >_> Iapos;m gonna have to start jacking money again. Or howabout my brother LEND me money and do me a favor? He owes me o_o;

I miss my man u_u

Oh well coming back tomorrow Iapos;ll live. Tried to call twice, no pick up. But heapos;s coming back tomorrow so I can rejoice ^_^ I still have to color two pages for GSG (the last two) And then...hm. I wonder if we start a new one or not? Hard telling.

I still have a report on the Womens Rights Movement. I will present it with pash-ON ^o^ And- Wow.

Just wow.

Everything seems SO unorganized. Iapos;m going to spend tonight organizing. Getting everything finished and in order so my mind is clear of all those naggy rants of mine.

I saw some cheap laptops at Circuit City...Maybe dadapos;ll buy me one for Christmas ^__^ He talks about us moving out, but I heard that last year. And the year before than. Annnd the year before that.

I still need to send 20 bucks to Livejournal xD GOD DAMN Iapos;m just blowin money out my ass. And itapos;d be cool if it was money I actually HAVE XD Well hell. All I have to do is not eat school lunch. That isnapos;t as hard as it sounds ^_^ Iapos;m losing weight, too I plan on taking 7th period PE. I think for the rest of the year Iapos;ll keep 7 periods just to keep an excellent GPA. I WILL NOT graduate early. Too scary. So much open space...

Lots of stuff happened. I hardly remember the name.

Dorothy. She passed away on Thanksgiving, her sister Amber, to die in my loving hands the next day. I couldnapos;t stand to watch her suffer and gasp, Amber. So I gave her one last kiss and hug, and drown her. She didnapos;t struggle at all. But I HAD to do it. She wasnapos;t even walking properly. She was leaning on her side the poor thing...

Raichu is the only survivor, and even SHE is starting to sneeze. I need to watch her very carefully. If I hadnapos;t of been sick maybe Amber and Dorothy wouldapos;ve stood a chance. But- whatapos;s happened is the past. I just regret that Dorothy couldnapos;t have a proper burial. I have Amber a good burial. I tied her up in gauze, (she looked like a mummy) and burried her in the ground. I wanted to write a note, stick in with her; but over the years the ground would adventually tear at it, and creatures would take bites out of it being unreadable. No avaiable boxes. U_u Mapos;still sad about that.

I wrote something last Wednesday. Something I enjoied. I call it, First Morning Thoughts. When I get the chance, Iapos;ll post it here as well as on my website. But I need to go now. I have a lot of work to do. Take care ^_^ prepare for CHRISTMAS EVERYONE


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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Hey girls and boys iapos;ve been a little out of the loop ts-wise lately, and just saw a few recent entries with saraapos;s new haircut and am IN LOVE with it...so i was hoping i could convince you to comment with your favorite photos of saraapos;s fab new hair iapos;m dying to see more of it

if you donapos;t have any photos to share (or if you do), what have been your top 3 ts songs lately?

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Another Shadows image from the adventure White Bokor - a sequel to the atmospheric 1932 movie White Zombie.

"Their outlines were human, semi-human, fractionally human, and not human at all -- the horde was grotesquely heterogeneous."*
- HP Lovecraft �"Herbert West: Reanimator"

* Yes, different type of shambling humanoids, but when they trap you in the cellar, taxonomy should not be your first priority.
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Lets see..

I have a cold. Blah. Not the normal cold tho, I think this is some kind of allergy induced hell. I have given up smoking permanently, so maybe that is part of it. G struck a deal with me.. If I give up smoking, permanently, he will give up chocolate chip cookies... Permanently. Which.. The trade off is even steven really. I agreed.. Before I realized it really.. And since that day have not smoked. Wanted to.. Really badly.. But havent. So, part of the cold might be my body getting all of the ick out of my lungs.

G is back in WV and PA right now. Sigh and double sigh. We did get to spend a wonderful week together however. The highlights were him coming home and bringing me all the awesome goodies he got for me in his travels. A barrette that actually holds my hair .. All of it. It is so pretty.. Made of 4 different types of wood. An awesome Mohair scarf.. The color goes wonderfully with my hair and it has some kind of a funky weave. I will have to show it to the SIL to see what she knows about the weave. Some delicious honey, two jams and two GORGEOUS mugs. One of which is coveted earthen ware. I ADORE it.. Such an awesome glaze on it and a neat handle to boot. Yay me The next day we picked up baby from school.. She was happy to see him. Threw her book bag at me and ran down the hall at school and did one of her leap/head butts. I, of course, then became chopped liver for the rest of the evening : / We headed to the house and finished up a delicious pot roast and roasted veggies and ate our dinner on the patio under the moon. It was an awesome night. However, I woke the next morning feeling like dawn of the dead. G took baby with him to his kids games that day so I could sleep. So I had long rest in big tub with good book. I almost felt human afterwards. We headed out for a bit then came home and started getting ready for the Opera. Dropped baby off at the Cairechs house for a evening of sleep over goodness. G surprised me with dinner at The Yellow Porch, which is magnificent.. I highly recommend it. After that it was time for Don Giovanni Which.. He fell asleep 3 times hahahaha. I think he enjoyed it, he was very tired. I had a most excellent time.. Until the 2nd act. And then The Allergy Furies descended on me with a powerful hatred. Thank the Gods I had on a long black shawl/veil that night. I sneezed about 20 times, my eyes watered so much I ended up rubbing off all my eye make up but.. I was in heaven. During the intermission we had glasses of champagne and we talked about the water feature at TPAC. It is very lovely.. We have decided to put a water feature in at the house.. Not nearly as big, but one that I can sit and dangle my feet in on a hot summer day. Speaking of.. We are putting in 5 raised beds this winter I am so excited But back to Don Giovanni. It was an awesome production, very avant garde .. Funny at moments and chilling at others. The next Opera is the Student Prince. We are still discussing about if we want to go or not. He is more of the Symphony type.. I am the Opera type.. Soo.. We shall see. However..Great Tuna is playing Oct the 24th in Spring Hill.. YAY I am trying to get tickets for baby and I to go see it. She must see Dee Dee Snively

Other than that.. We are looking at hard wood flooring for the house and paint for the walls as well as the outside of the house. Sigh. So much to do. But.. I look forward to it. He found an Indian Rose Wood counter top that I melted over. I am crossing my fingers on that one.

Baby is doing very well. She tests for her yellow belt on the 24th. I am excited School is going awesomely .. They are on Fall Break right now. Tonight Master Koh decided that for Fall Break they would have a fun day.. So they played dodge ball. I thought the kids were going to shriek the building down. Before the dodgeball explosion he had the kids stand in front of the class and each sing a song, but it was voluntary only. He explained afterwards that it took confidence to do it.. The kids seemed to get it then. I am very happy with our decision to put her in Hakido. She has really taken to it and has loved learning more about the Korean culture. A trip to Mana is now super duper.

So.. That is my catch up.

now to bed.. If I dont hack up a lung first :)
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